Quick Guide: 5 things you should absolutely do if She’s no longer interested in You

what to do if she is no longer interested in you

If you’re in a relationship and suddenly discover that She’s no longer interested in you, you could be totally devastated. Depending on how strong the emotional attachment you had with her was, it will depend the level of crisis that you would get. As a someone certified in the phycology of romantic relationships, I’m going to give you the best tips on what to do to deal with this problem. If someone is not being interested in you anymore it can be something very challenging to deal with, however this are some of the best things you can do:

  1. Look back and try to find things you did at the beginning that you aren’t doing anymore
  2. Give Her space
  3. Focus on Yourself
  4. Try to re gain interaction
  5. Let Her decide 

After learning each of this steps in more depth, you’re going to be a pro and super prepared to keep this unpleasant experience from happening to you, or have the best chances to solve it if you’re in it.

This post is all about what to do when she is no longer interested in you so that you have the best chances of repairing the relationship if possible. 


1. Looking back and finding things you aren’t doing anymore

When a new relationship starts, it normally goes through the delusion phase. This is a phase where both tend to exaggerate their virtues and hide their vices. There are many phases in a romantic relationship, but since you’re dealing with her not having interested in you, your probably at the deception phase. Which is when one or both people in the relationship are let down and disappointed. But don’t worry, this can be fixed. The chart below helps to clarify this.

what to do when she is no longer interested in you


This is a small part of the phycology behind a romantic relationship. In the delusional phase, most of the aspects on what the person is excited about are imaginary. That’s why it ends up taking to the deception phase.

Both of this phases are bad and you don’t want to be in them, sadly most couples live in them. But you don’t have to.

There’s the alternative phase called the virtuous phase, where you mainly practice virtues and the desire is based on real aspects. In order to get to this phase you will need effort.

Basically the importance of this step is to think about all the things you might’ve done for her at the beginning and see what of those things where rational thins to do so that you can start doing them again.

This can for sure increase the chances of her getting interested in you aguen.


2. Give Her space

It’s very likely that you feel high fear of losing her, which can provoke that you try going after her in non strategic ways. Think about it, what are the odds of she getting interested in you by you being pushy? Really low. Most likely she’ll just get annoyed with you. That’s why it’s really important to not push, just give her time and wait. After this, you’ll have opportunities to interact with her most likely.

Giving her space can help in 2 main ways:

  1. She gets time to think clearer
  2. She’ll get a taste of what’s it like not having you, which can make her value you more.

So make sure you’re giving her enough space, not too much, but the necessary depending the situation.


3. Focus on Yourself

When you find out that someone is not interested in you, the most automatic thing to do is to only focus on that problem. You don’t think about you, you’re just focused on her and why did that happened and what’s going to happen. However, this can do more harm than good.

Focusing on yourself means that you’ll focus on your control variables, this means that you’ll only worry about the things you can do and you won’t in things you can’t control. This can help eliminate anxiety about the situation.

Think about it, if you’re doing everything you can, what’s there left to do? And why should you feel bad if it didn’t go as planned? The premise here is that it makes no sense to feel bad about things you can’t control. And when you’re focused on her, most of the aspects you’re focused on are things you can’t control. That’s why you should focus on yourself.


4. Try to re gain interaction

Remember step 1? Now try to re gain interaction with things you used to do in the past that you know she liked. Like writing her cute letters, for instance. As a result of this change of actions and what you did in step 2 and 3, the chances of her re gaining interest are higher than before. In other words, this is the most strategic moment to try to re gain her interest for good.

Above all, there’s 1 thing that we can be certain about your situation. She was interested in you at some point. Therefore, there’s something to do about it. We just have to look for the things that you were doing that you aren’t doing anymore and do them aguen. 


5. Let Her decide

We can’t control people, we can only take care of them. In other words, this means that we can’t force anyone to be in a relationship with us, we can only invite them by offering something good in return.

In conclusion the only things you can focus on are you and your actions. The rest is up to her, and trying to control someone’s actions doesn’t end well.

And something that can help you out to be able to behave like this if your worried, is to believe that your highest value is you, and if you lose her you’ll be okay. Probably will be hard, but eventually you’ll be okay. And as a result of believing this, your stress levels and fears will go down, which will help you act in a ways that favor you, not that go against you.


How do I get Her interested in me again?

Here are the best things you can do to get her interested in you again:

  1. Do more of the things that got her interested in you at the beggining
  2. Work on becoming more desirable 
  3. Give yourself the value that you deserve 
  4. Leave it up to her


How do you tell if a girl has lost interest in you?

Usually is not a complicated thing to know. Look for clues, such as: has she not texted you like before, does she take long to reply, does she avoid, does she make time for you, does she give you importance, you’re the only one putting effort into the relationship, etc.

In addition, if you haven’t had loving time together or fights, that could mean that she’s not emotionally connected neither you. Which can also be a sign, that she’s lost interest. Not for sure, but it could be a clue.


How do you stop being attached to someone?

There are two basic emotions that connect couples. Love & Hate. If someone loves someone deeply, they are really attached, and if a couple fights a lot, they are also really attached. Therefore, this means that the way to stop being attached to someone is either 1. Doing less loving things, and 2. Not fighting. This is usually what creates that emotional distance within a couple. And is when they’re more likely to break up, way more than in fights.

If you want to generate love in the other one, then what you should do is more loving things for them. 


This post was all about what to do if a girl is no longer interested in you so that you can be as prepared as possible to encounter this situation in the best possible ways. 



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